First Presbyterian is a family church. We involve all the generations in reaching out to those in need and celebrating worship of our Lord Jesus Christ. First Presbyterian has Sunday School classes for all ages at 9:15 on Sunday mornings. Kids also participate fully in worship services:
Reading, ushering and greeting
Providing special music
Participating in a weekly children’s moment
Providing a youth service fully “staffed” by Sunday School once a year
Lighting advent candles and Christmas caroling to shut-ins
Both adults and children share in the many mission activities in and outside of the church:
Visiting Oak Crest nursing home for holidays
Volunteering at our Summer music camp
Writing letters and drawing pictures for "Bread for the World"
Giving to a benevolence fund that supports many charities in Elgin and around the world
Engage in church life with these opportunities:
Adult Chancel Music Program
Men’s Breakfast
Seasonal Study Groups
Session and Church Committees
Lay Liturgist
Additional activities can be found under "Missions."