Children and Youth Sunday School
Preschool - High School at 9:15 am
Offered from September - May
Adult Studies
We offer studies during Lent and Advent, along with various others throughout the year.
Wednesday Bible Study
This pastor led study is held each Wednesday at 2:15pm on Zoom. The class reads and discusses various books written about the bible. This study run fall through spring.
Christian Education is considered to be a very important part of our life together and our faith journey at First Presbyterian Church, for both youth and adults. Each Sunday morning we have hour long classes for 3 year olds through adults.
Our adult class begins at 9:00 a.m. and the class reads and discusses various books throughout the year dealing with a variety of topics and then discusses how faith applies to these topics. This book study class is lead by a member of our own church. During the Advent and Lenten Seasons, our Pastor leads the class in dealing with appropriate topics for the particular season of the church year. These classes have been very popular with our members.
Our youth classes begin at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday morning and are lead by our members. Their curriculum centers on the liturgical readings of the day. During this hour, our pre-school through 7th graders also spend 15 minutes in music, learning some of the songs that we sing in church as well as preparing to sing occasionally during worship. Our youth also participate in other ways during the service by ushering, reading scripture, performing a Christmas Pageant and leading a service on Youth Sunday. During class we also have speakers who have talked about Nicaragua, Africa and our own church camp in Oregon, Illinois. Mission is very important at our church and our youth contribute through their offerings to mission organizations, they shop for toys in our community for needy children at Christmas and donate food at various times of the year for needy people. Children are very important at our church.
Please feel free to join us in any of our Christian Education Classes!